OBS bad quality recording at 48kHz sample rate


New Member
System: Linux mint 17.2, 3.16.0-38-generic
  1. make sure, that pulseaudio samplerate of used device is 48000Hz
  2. add sound source, select "monitor of <your device name>
  3. start recording (it doesn't matter which sample rate you will choose at OBS audio settings: 44.1 or 48 - they both will sounds BAD)
  4. open any audioplayer and start playing music
  5. stop recording, listen your record
Everything is fine when pulseaudio device samplerate is set to 44100. If someone expecting same troubles, you can did this:
  1. make directory ~/.pulse if it's not exist
  2. create file ~/.pulse/daemon.conf if not exist
  3. put default-sample-rate = 44100 inside
I hope someone will fix it.

I also wanna notice, that pulseaudio is shit, but we haven't any kind of alternative.