Question / Help OBS audio help


New Member
My setup/settings: I stream with and elgato HD. In the elgato app I select the commentary button so that my voice along with game audio is being played through my speakers. Then I put my desktop audio in OBS as sound flower 2ch so the stream can hear my voice and game audio and I change my Mac output source to sound flower 2ch so I can't hear the delayed game audio or the echo of my voice. So everything is cool so far.

My goal: be able to have the stream hear my voice, game audio, and music and let the only audio coming through my Mac be my music, no voice or game audio. If I play music with my current settings the stream can hear it but I can't because if I changed my output to internal speakers or multi output I can still here my game audio and my voice.

Any help is great,


Community Helper
I'm fairly certain this is not possible, since music and Elgato audio are inextricably linked to each other. You can't input the Elgato into OBS directly, so it has to play back over your speakers and then get captured that way. Since Music plays over your speakers as well, then if you want to hear music, then you will have to hear the Elgato as well.