Question / Help OBS and Affinity


New Member
I need help in finding a solution to properly stream Affinity programs, specifically Affinity Designer and Affinity Photo.

Instead of display cap, I like to use window cap, but doing so only shows the UI, and not the canvas. I believe it's related with the canvas being rendered with OpenGL, DirectX, or one of those other things.

In case OBS devs like to test it, both programs are currently in open beta (for free), which you can download here:

Really hope you very smart folks can find a solution for this, as I like to stream my art process on Twitch.



Active Member
Use window capture. Select windowd match priority: window class
This what I use to capture canvas from Bluestacks.

I hope this helps.


Active Member
Tested: Screen capture works.

Edit: You can crop Windows taskbar, or configure it to autohide


New Member
Yes display capture works, but it will capture everything, including going from one window to another, and I always have multiple stuff open. It doesn't look professional on a stream.

The reason I want to use Window Capture in OBS, is because XSplit Window Cap works perfectly, so there is a solution out there, it just needs to be found by OBS devs ;-)


Active Member
Try in Advanced Options changing Direct 3D to OpenGL.
Worst performance but it may work
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