Question / Help OBS always blurry !! HELP !! GER/ENG


New Member
German Version

Hallo Freunde,

ich habe nun schon so viele Tutorials angesehen und auch so viele Threads gelesen, welche mir eigentlich helfen sollte, meine Qualität vom Stream zu steigern, jedoch hat alles bisher nicht geholfen.

Ich habe meine Einstellungen unzählige male geändert und dann wieder geändert und auch Neuinstallationen von OBS, Windows oder des Games haben keinen merkbaren Erfolg gebracht.

Meine Ingame Auflösung ist 1920x1080 und ich skaliere Sie für den Stream auf 1280x720 herunter.

Ich lade hier gleich alle meine Fenster (Einstellungen) von OBS Studio hoch und auch ein Bild von meinem Down/UP Stream, sowie ein Bild vom Stream, an diesem beschreibe ich mein Problem.

Ich versuche mit 720p 48 FPS zu streamen.

PC Specs:

  • Mainboard: Asus RoG Maximus VII Hero
  • RAM: 16 GB DDR3
  • CPU: i7-4790K
  • GPU: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 970
  • Windows 10

speed test.png
obs 1.jpg
obs 2.png
obs 3.png
obs 4.png
obs 5.png
obs 6.png

Wie ihr anhand der Ingame Bilder sehen könnt, ist mein Bild im Stream sehr verschwommen und verpixelt und ich denke nicht das das, dass Normalbild für meine Auflösung von 720x48 ist. Ich schaffe es leider einfach nicht, dass ich ein klares Bild im Stream bekomme und ich kann es mir leider nicht erklären, da ich in jeder Hinsicht die Voraussetzungen für die Hardware des Computers erfülle.

Falls mir jemand helfen kann oder eine Idee hat, lasst sie mich wissen. Ich werde Sie mir angucken und euch eine Rückmeldung hier im Thread zukommen lassen, ob ich es schon probiert habe oder wenn nicht, ob es mir in irgendeiner Weise geholfen hat.

Ich bedanke mich jetzt schon mal bei allen die sich Gedanken über mein Problem gemacht haben oder machen werden.


English Version:
Hey guys,

I have now seen so many tutorials and read so many threads, which should me actually help to increase my quality of stream, but everything has not helped so far.

I have my settings countless times changed and then changed again and also did reinstallations of OBS, Windows or the games itselfs have brought no noticeable success.

My game resolution is 1920x1080 and I scale it down for the stream to 1280x720.

I'll upload here equal screenshots to all my Settings from OBS Studio and also a picture of my Down / UP Stream and an image from the stream itselfs ingame, on that I describe my problem.

I'm trying to stream with 720p 48 FPS.

PC Specs:

  • Mainboard: Asus RoG Maximus VII Hero
  • RAM: 16 GB DDR3
  • CPU: i7-4790K
  • GPU: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 970
  • Windows 10
As you can see from the game pictures, my picture in the stream is very blurry and pixelated, and I do not think that this is the normal image of my resolution of 720x48. Unfortunately I'm not getting a clear picture in the stream and I can not explain to me why, because in my oppinion I'm fulfill the requirements for the hardware of the computer in any way.

If someone can help me or has an idea, let me know. I'll have a look on it and give a feedback here in the thread, if I have already tried it or if not, or if it has helped me in any way.

I thank you already for all of you, who have been thinking about my problem or will make.

akaSteven TV
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Active Member
Try better scale filter:
Bilinear get more pixelated images , mainly when your turn quickly in FPS.
So, try bicubic or even Lanczos.
Your CPU is good enough for those optiones.


New Member
Hey EBrito,

thx for your answer. But it won't work. Even with Lanczos and changing to 60 FPS it is still the same Problem.

I tried to not scale down and leave it at 1920x1080 on 30 or 60 FPS it is still so blurry. You can see it in the Picture below.

Unscharf3 mit lanczos.jpg
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New Member
I don't really see a blurring issue per say, however, what I do see is artifacting. This mostly comes from the resolution, framerate and bitrate combination. Have a look at Mroczny_Gustaw's bitrate calculator

Basically, to make 48fps look good at that resolution without tweaking the encoding preset all that much requires a bitrate in excess of 4500kb/s which is beyond twitch TOS.
Please either turn up the encoding preset by a significant amount, which increases CPU utilisation, or turn down the framerate.
However keep in mind, the presets will give diminish returns, as in 720p30fps 2500kb/s running on the slower preset looks great for a twitch stream, however it can even bring CPUs such as the 5960x to a grinding halt. This is especially true in games that are either not well optimised or not multithreaded properly, such as CS:GO.

So in short, try sticking to something that according the the spreadsheet will give decent quality. However, don't expect "parter-like," as twitch partners are on occasion allowed to stream beyond the normal constraints of

Also as a side note, most unpartnered streamers should stick to 720p30fps at 2000~kb/s due to buffering issues.


New Member
Thx for the answer @Rezruel, but my problem is still there.

My stream is still so pixelated, as you can see it in the pictures above (weapon model). :/
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New Member
I just noticed something, you appear to be scaling down the scene resolution from 1920x1080 to 1280x720, and then scaling it a second time on the encoder. If I'm not mistaken this effectively leads to a downscaling of 2:1. Either scale only on the scene resolution, or turn of encoder scaling. That should resolve any artifacting caused by double scaling. I'd reccomend to remove the downscaling in the video tab.


New Member
Pixelation at the bitrates allowed by twitch is unavoidable.

Although this is true, an issue I've encountered in the past arose from downscaling twice, which in still images to my poor ageing eyes looks a bit like bitrate pixelation.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
I just noticed something, you appear to be scaling down the scene resolution from 1920x1080 to 1280x720, and then scaling it a second time on the encoder. If I'm not mistaken this effectively leads to a downscaling of 2:1. Either scale only on the scene resolution, or turn of encoder scaling. That should resolve any artifacting caused by double scaling. I'd reccomend to remove the downscaling in the video tab.

I thought downscaling from the Video settings was considered more efficient than downscaling at the encoder level (Output > Streaming/Recording)?


New Member
I thought downscaling from the Video settings was considered more efficient than downscaling at the encoder level (Output > Streaming/Recording)?

'Tis be true. That said, it can also result in slight over sharpening from using the incorrect scaling filter option. One side caveat though, is that (as far as I can recall from my own tests) you can't record the base canvas resoltion, rather only the scaled one. Which can be an issue depending on how you want your setup to function.
My preference would be to have the base canvas resoltion be the same as the final output (streaming) resolution, if I didn't care about having a higher resolution local recording for later use. Then again, this is pretty much just me and my semantics at this point.