OBS Alert


New Member
Most of streamers use 3th party programs to handle subscription, followers and donations. There are way to many programs to test out, and in my opinion all of them have something great, but miss other necessary function.
When I start searching best option for, first pick was SubAlert. This is great program with almost all needed functions, but You need to have place on screen to keep it open and sometimes OBS stop tracking this window without reason. After some time i find web browser plugin and much more options to keep follow all need staff, but also on this situation browser plugin sometimes crash, or can't handle flash with transparent background (OBS MP).

This was long way to setup everything how i want but i'm not fully satisfied at all. I need to turn on local webserver and database, and then use browser plugin with some html5 animations. But i want more, animation can be more "gorgeous" with real animations.

After this long admission i will say and show how will look best option for me. Why don't make it as a plugin? It will be easy to use, no need to use other programs.
If someone have plans to make plugin like this please give some information how to help You.
I will show You few screenshots how i see this on my imagination. I work also on few more, and start reading about c++ coding but php, html, css looks way more easy to code.


I hope You like my idea :)

PS.: Sorry for bad english.


The Helping Squad
While a general plugin can be done, it might take some more time until we have more options to change to different designs. Then I could see this as a possibility if someone has the time to code it.

For OBS in general as we try to support as many different usage cases as possible (different services, streaming, recording, replays) it would be a bit convoluting maybe to directly put all that into the OBS interface in its current state.
As said, when OBS-MP gets further someone could probably create a twitch specific design and include such features as in your pictures.

I also like the idea of having to run just one program.


In reality all you need is the CLR browser, the text files would be cool to have listed already, and the donation alert could be a way to crowdfund OBS for faster and more updates. The fact is however that the alerts are basically not a program to begin with and just a simple link from a website, that for follower notifications is free, and not hosted by obs or on your machine. In reality the more you can remove from your desktop the better for resource management. So while it is a nice thought, I really don't see more than the text files being implemented, the websites with gui's for ease of creation, and the ability to upload your own animations, images, and so on is all there done and you simply plug it into the clr browser.

In reality if it was to be a serious plugin the longer it takes to implement the less likely it will be used when we have full blown businesses doing it now. I'd say if you really wanted it to be a worthwhile effort you'd have to go all the way, now if it's going to be a locally hosted situation I'd opt against the development completely unless you were really bored.

I mean, also at what end does it stop? Chat moderation bot? etc etc etc, we should focus on the actual improvement and utilization of performance enhancing fixes and implementations.
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