Bug Report OBS 64Bit Crashes MSVCR120.dll missing and JPG Error


New Member
Hi guys, i'm testing the software in a Windows 7 64bits. So far i got two mayor issues:
First, the 64 version of the software does not iniciate and instead give this warning sign


It says "The software cant iniciate because MSVCR120.dll is missing. Try to reinstall to correct the problem". Well i did that and nothing happens, it's still giving me that message. But the 32 Bits version worsk just fine (i still dont try to stream thoug)
And the Second issue is the most weird, wen i search for a JPG image into my folder if the name of the path has a Ñ on it doen't shows the Image:


But this only happens with JPG images, all the other formats works just fine and as you can see en this image below if the Ñ is remove the image appears:


It's weird because only afects JPG... im from argentina (if you dont notice by my horrible english) and the Ñ is a realy common letter in our vocabulary...

Hoppe you can give me some solution, if not, at least this can be usefull to track new bugs. C-you and thanks in advance.


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You need to install the 64bit version of the VS2013 redistributable