Question / Help OBS 64-bit output folder


New Member
Hello OBS,
I am wondering if I can change the output folder for recordings. If I can't that's fine, it's a trivial thing and I can just make a shortcut, only I looked and couldn't see anything and it would be nice to know.
Thank you :)


New Member
I think this is 32-bit, no? I've changed from 32-bit to 64-bit and what I have doesn't look anything like this. I have v0.659b - 64bit

Gol D. Ace

32 and 64bit look exactly the same (only the title bar will have slightly different text).
0.659b is OBS Classic and not OBS Studio.

Gol D. Ace

For 64Bit OBS Studio?
The Desktop Icon should be already 64Bit.
The start menu will also have shortcuts for 32 and 64Bit in the OBS Studio folder.


New Member
Thank Gol D I worked it out eventually. Can't help thinking, what with there actually being tutorials on YouTube about how to download 64 bit (none of which can be relied on) would it really hurt to be a bit explicit? You're dealing with newbs and people who are not experts like you, that's got to be a major part of the market for this - truly great - bit of software. I say you should cater to that need. It's a selling point isn't it? 'This bundle has both 32-bit and 64-bit' - would go down well I think. Thanks for your time and patience Gol. D :)