OBS 27 performance issue?


New Member
Last Sunday (May 30, 2021), I streamed my church session for 2 hours without a single error.
I upgraded OBS from 26.1.2 to 27 yesterday, and this morning for my church streaming session, there were 13% frames skipped due to encoding lag. See the screenshot. Does anybody have similar issues? There are no configuration changes from last Sunday, except upgraded to OBS 27. Thanks.
Screen Shot 2021-06-06 at 11.11.03 AM.png


Same here - I've noticed a big difference - CPU load up higher and skipped frames from encoding too. have gone down from 1080 to 936p adn now 720 to try to survive. need to figure out how to roll back to previous version


New Member
I'm having exactly the same problem and I'm desperated because I use OBS to teach online.

Is maybe the problem related with Skype? It seems that I got a lot of Skipped frames due to encoding lag when using Skype but not when using OBS alone.


New Member
I've also had issues with "rendering lag" didn't know it was a thing until I started searching through this awesome OBS Forum. Don't know how rendering lag affects encoding lag or vice versa but this might help. Basically turn off "Hardware acceleration" in Google Chrome or any browser you use. and also uncheck "Enable Browser Source Hardware Acceleration" in OBS settings.

I've posted this solution here with more info below. I use OBS with an Imac 2017 and Macbook Pro 2019 and have seen this problem on both machines. Hope this helps or at least assists with the process of elimination.



New Member
Same here - I've noticed a big difference - CPU load up higher and skipped frames from encoding too. have gone down from 1080 to 936p adn now 720 to try to survive. need to figure out how to roll back to previous version
if you've not done it already you can just re install the older versions over the top, the new 27.1 still eats cpu when you use stinger transitions etc


if you've not done it already you can just re install the older versions over the top, the new 27.1 still eats cpu when you use stinger transitions etc
Ah thanks. I've just downgraded my output res to 720p to cope with the worse CPU usage now, and spunked £2.5k on a mega-PC to run the stream from in future - at the level of mad stuff I'm asking of OBS it's just a bit too much for the Mac version to handle, on anything other than a Mac Pro and I'm not moving that upstairs 3 times a week for my streams lol. Thanks for the advice though - things are stable for me now, just lower res but that's a good idea if i wasn't jumping ship to PC in a few weeks :-)


I noticed this as I started at OBS 24 then tested 25, 26, etc.... In fact, on my 2015 MB Pro 15" I left it at OBS 24.0.6 and it worked perfectly well. Didn't need any of the upgraded features, and it used way less CPU.

For me I'm running our church services with a PTZ camera and one or two iPhone cameras, plus screen capture from my external Macbook pro that's serving Keynote presentations to the sanctuary.

And streaming at 1080p30


New Member
I was getting skipped frames every time I launched internet browser with many tabs on version 27 in Windows 10. Changed to version 26 and did same with no skipped frames at all.


Spent the afternoon troubleshooting my situation (TERRIBLE CPU usage, skipped frames in rendering and encoding) and after downgrading to 26.1.2 (or whatever the last 26 version was) from 27.0.1 OMG the difference is insanely better.

Upgrading to 27 was the root of all my problems confirmed. The difference in CPU usage, skipped frames rendering & encoding was like night and day. No idea what they did in 27 but boy I will not be going back up until they fix that. Admittedly my OBS scene set ups are v busy with a lot of scenes and media sources etc - but I would just say if you are having any issues on 27 relating to CPU usage stuff just roll it back to 26 - will save serious headaches. Thank god that's over.