OBS 26 Virtual Cam not compatible with GotoWebinar?


New Member

while the new VirtualCam feature of version 26 works with MSFT Teams, it does not work (for me) with GoToWebinar. I get a "Failed to initialize" error.
With OBS 25.0.8 and VirtualCam 2.0.5 this is not a problem, the virtual camera works perfectly.

Are others having the same issue?

Best regards,


New Member
Same Issue Here with GoogleMeet and Jitsi Meet. I've tried Virtual Cam plug in as well obtaining the same error. Why


New Member
I've managed to make a workarround here. First of all: uninstalling and reinstalling OBS didn't fix the problem. So what did I do? I started a new meet on jitsi without OBS virtual camera runing (If not, you'll get the error message!). Then while in the meeting, started Virtual Camera and in Jitsi settings choose OBS Virtual Camera. First was all in black, because the camera was being used by Jitsi, so I desactivate and reactivate the source of my webcam in OBS and BAM! It worked! Hope this procedure could be replicated in other meeting platforms.


New Member
That workaround didn't work with GoToMeeting/GoToWebinar. MS Teams did also fail, the virtual cam doesn't even show up in the list.

Is an older version of OBS (with the working plugin) still available?


New Member
The virtual cam is also not showing up in Windows default 'camera' app.

The virtual cam does show up in this astro-software, but gives an error when trying to start it: https://www.sharpcap.co.uk/sharpcap/downloads

I don't know if it's relevant for this thread, but thought I would mention it anyway since there is talk here about the virtual cam and several other apps.


New Member
I've also tested it with Polycom Real Presence Desktop and it fails there. As mentioned above, with Zoom, it works fine.


New Member
Update 26.0.2 (64 bit)
Microsoft Teams: working
GoToMeeting: No working

(is there any offical bug tracker?)


New Member
Not sure if this was resolved for anyone. I had the same issue. I ended up closing my GTW, launching OBS VC first then opened GTW. Worked just fine!

2 things I will try later on is:
1. setting my OBS settings back to 60fps (I dropped it to 24 in case that was an issue),
2. taking off the scaling down to 720. I want it to be back at 1080.


New Member
Although I haven't tested this with GotoWebinar, install NDI Tools (http://ndi.tv/tools), configure the OBS NDI output, run it thru the NDI Virtual Input and then into the GoToWebinar as NDI Video source. This seems to be much more compatible with conferencing software (such as Webex) than the virtual camera output from OBS.


New Member
OBS Studio 26.1.1 does work with GoToMeeting.
Always start OBS after your web conference software.

1. Setup Your OBS (Connect your camera)
2. Close OBS
3. Start GoToMeeting
4. Select OBS Virtual Webcam
5. Share Webcam
6. Start OBS
7. Enable Virtual Camera
8. Rock that conference call



New Member
So, when I get to step 5 'share your webcam', I always get the error message "Unable to share webcam. Your webcam is already in use." I get this error regardless of whether or not have OBS running.
Any suggestions? particular output settings I need to be at?
for reference I'm using a Microsoft Surface running fully updated Windows 10 Pro 64 bit
GoToMeeting version 10.15.0
OBS 26.1.1, brand new install today.

OBS Studio 26.1.1 does work with GoToMeeting.
Always start OBS after your web conference software.

1. Setup Your OBS (Connect your camera)
2. Close OBS
3. Start GoToMeeting
4. Select OBS Virtual Webcam
5. Share Webcam
6. Start OBS
7. Enable Virtual Camera
8. Rock that conference call
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New Member
Doesn't work or me either. Always getting Error "Unable to share webcam. Your webcam is already in use." in GoTo Meeting.


New Member
Hello everybody,

after some searching, entry # 14 helped a lot.
After trying it out for a while, I increased the resolution to 1280 * 720.
This also works because GoToWebinar works internally with this resolution.
After that, I increased the FSP to 30. That works too.
During all the tests it is helpful to completely close OBS and GotoWebinar and start again.
This is the only way to get really hardening results.

Best wishes
Jürgen Thöns
Hallo Zusammen,

nach einigem Suchen hat mit der Eintrag #14 sehr geholfen.
Nach einigem Ausprobiern habe ich die Auflösung auf 1280*720 erhöht.
Auch das funktioniert, da GoToWebinar intern mit dieser Auflösung arbeitet.
Danach habe ich die FSP auf 30 erhöht. Auch das funktioniert.
Bei den ganzen Tests ist es hilfreich OBS und GotoWebinar komplett zu beenden und neu zu starten.
Nur dadurch erhält man wirklich erhärtende Ergebnisse.

Viele Grüße
Jürgen Thöns

