Bug Report OBS 0.16.2 - Sync Offset Doesn't Actually Work


I searched through the forums and found a few similar topics about this, but nothing ever came of them so I'm making a new one for visibility. I'm having this problem now, so I figured I'd test it out and was able to prove that it's not working.

The Sync Offset will actually delay up to a set amount (about 100ms I believe) and after that, it does not actually delay. I've set it as high as 5000ms, and it still has the same exact delay.

You'll see lines like "7:41:13 AM.849: adding 23 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 301 milliseconds" but that's not the actual buffering value. It seems to just be ignoring it.


  • 2016-09-30 07-39-35.txt
    11.7 KB · Views: 63


I did, but it seems like there's a maximum sync offset. I've set it as high as 2000 and restarted, and the delay is identical as if it was set to 820.


I'm on Win10 x64 Anniversary Edition (after a forced update). It could be a Windows 10 issue. They changed a TON of stuff in the anniversary update.


I did notice "CoreAudio AAC encoder not installed on the system or couldn't be loaded" in my logs. Think that might be an issue?


I'm screwed then, since my windows backup folder was corrupted after the anniversary update installed itself in the middle of the night.


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Forum Moderator
The "error' about CoreAudio not being installed just means that you don't have the CoreAudio codec installed. There's nothing nefarious about it. In that case, OBS Studio will use either Media Foundation or FFmpeg to encode the audio instead of CoreAudio.


Just checked. Can't downgrade. Doesn't give me the option to uninstall the anniversary update. Tried installing different versions of OBS, same problem. Renamed obs-studio folder in APPDATA to start with a fresh profile, same problem. Not sure what I can do at this point. Guess I just can't do mic delays until there's some kind of fix from Microsoft or OBS can find some kind of a workaround.


New Member
I have a similar issue with 0.16.2 where trying to sync my desktop microphone to the webcam, I can enter a delay on the Microphone of -1000ms to bring it closer to the webcam because for some reason there is no option in OBS to delay the webcam video, which would be easier. However if I set the Delay to higher then -1000 for example -1500ms then not only does the delay not change, but I actually lose the microphone audio completely from the videos output by OBS or my Streams. The visual indicator in OBS shows that its still picking up the microphone as the green bar moves up and down, but no audio in the files. If I drop it back to -1000ms then the audio works again but its still not quite in sync.