Question / Help NVIDIA Quadro P400 ?


New Member
Hi everoby, I have question.
I have now 2x GPU, GTX1080 for game rendering and GTX1060 only for stream. But GTX1060 is from MSI and its too big, 1080 have now temperatures 70+ degrees Celsius.
When I remove 1060, the temperature of my 1080 is at a maximum of 65 degrees Celsius.

I must have smaller GPU for streaming. I cas stream only for Facebook or Youtube or Twitch.
I need these settings: CBR - 6000 / max10000 kbps, 1920x1080, 60fps, NVEC codec.

Now question, is the NVIDIA Quadro P400 good for stream with these settings?

Or is it better to buy the GTX 1650 Mini? But this card is bigger and more expensive than P400, and is it generally needed if I want to use it only as video encoding?
I like P400 because it has a small size and will not prove 1080 as 1060.

Thank you for all the answers.
Sorry for my bad english.

PC specs: AMD 3700X, 16GB RAM DDR, SSD 256GB, EVGA GTX1080 SC2


Active Member
There is no 2 GPU solution for OBS that is superior to a single strong card. You are creating a bottleneck trying to copy frames off one GPU and onto the other.

Use the NVENC encoder on your 1080 and remove the 1060. Depending on your motherboard, you may be creating a performance bottleneck simply by having the 2nd card installed, even if you don't use it for anything.

A 1650 Super or 1660 would be better because they both have the Turing encoder. Not the vanilla 1650.


New Member
There is no 2 GPU solution for OBS that is superior to a single strong card. You are creating a bottleneck trying to copy frames off one GPU and onto the other.

Use the NVENC encoder on your 1080 and remove the 1060. Depending on your motherboard, you may be creating a performance bottleneck simply by having the 2nd card installed, even if you don't use it for anything.

A 1650 Super or 1660 would be better because they both have the Turing encoder. Not the vanilla 1650.

Thank you, I try it.
Before I have old PC with: i7-4790K, 16GB RAM, GTX1060 6GB and the second GTX1060 3GB improved the performance of the PC when streaming.
I thought it would be the same on the new PC :)


Active Member
Even that rig would have likely have performed as well or better with just the single 6gb 1060. If your motherboard has enough bandwidth to run two slots at 16x then there might not have been a huge performance hit, but asking OBS to copy frames from one GPU to the other in order to render and encode always will. About the only scenario I can think of where it might be helpful would be one in which the scenes you've created in OBS are so complex that its rendering can't be done on the same GPU you're playing the game on; but even then, you'd be better off with a minimal streaming PC to install that card in. If you still have your old PC, use it that way-- either with a capture card or with the NDI plugin. The best way to deploy a second GPU is in a second PC.