Question / Help NVENC will not let me start stream


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Although I think that was the wrong log, NVENC doesn't work with certain nvidia laptop adapters. That's most likely what's going on here if you have the streaming encoder set to NVENC and the recording encoder set to x264 or something (though typically I'd recommend the opposite).

If you set the recording to "high quality" or above, and then set both the recording encoder and stream encoder to both use NVENC, then it'll try to spawn two different NVENC encoders with different settings, which may not be supported by all devices (probably laptop devices especially, but I can't confirm because I just am not quite sure).

I'm not sure which case you have here, but it's most likely one of those cases I'm guessing. if you could, get the problem to occur in the program, then right after that generate a "current" log link instead of last log, as "current" will get a log for the current running session, where as "last" will get a log for the last time you ran the program.