Question / Help NVENC local recording, best quality.


New Member
Hi guys

I'm doing local recording with OBS with NVENC and was thinking if I could do something to increase the quality, especially the colors.
I use CQP with 22, to have the same quality unrelated how busy the scene is.

I tried YUV Color Space 709 and YUV Color Range Full, but the quality got worse.

Open the first two screenshot in a new TAB and switch between them: (Also includes the other settings)

CPU h264 seems to have same quality, though with less file size. NVENV Lossless also made no difference in quality.

I know that 264 is not good with red text, but is there anything else I can do?

1440p, GTX 1070, win10, i7 5820k
if you only need one audio track you could set the color format to rgb, use custom ffmpeg, container. avi, codec: utvideo, audio pcm_s16le fort TRUE lossless (very large files - needs a fast hdd or better raid0)

Suslik V

Active Member
Here I am. Why do you need quality if nobody able to see it? Most popular services will mess all your color settings because of low bandwidth requirements (and users unable to see the quality you want to deliver to them). The best solution is to keep overall post production quality at the same level. This ensures that uploaded footage will be the same quality as all your videos and all people able to see it at the decent quality (as you see it by yourself).

Some thoughts about color there, OBS Studio: Color Space, Color Format, Color Range settings Guide. Test charts.


New Member
use yuv444 (but dont use it with nvenc because there a chroma bug in it)

Daaamn, that is crisp.
Too bad that half of the screen is green with NVENC. Do you think that's going to be fixed soon?
Even though I do have a decent CPU I do like the low CPU usage that NVENC brigs with it.

if you only need one audio track you could set the color format to rgb, use custom ffmpeg, container. avi, codec: utvideo, audio pcm_s16le fort TRUE lossless (very large files - needs a fast hdd or better raid0)

I do have fast disk, m.2 950 pro. I will think about it.

Here I am. Why do you need quality if nobody able to see it? Most popular services will mess all your color settings because of low bandwidth requirements
That I get, but higher recording quality gives me more option in post. The game I record has a lot of text, which is critical for the viewers to read. Being able to zoom in on it without making it look like shit would be quite nice.