Bug Report Not sure why, but here's the log. (OBS Crashing, RAM 100%)

Jason Bland

Okay, Constantly OBS will crash after my ram slowly rises from 30% to 100% and upon 100% crashes my entire PC. This is kinda ticking me off, because yesterday I streamed no problem for about five hours straight. Today I can't even stream for thirty minutes. (Before you say upload the crash logs, it's not OBS that's crashing. It's my entire computer.)


  • 2015-05-25 18-34-28.txt
    15.6 KB · Views: 33
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Jason Bland

Here are a couple more logs.


  • 2015-05-25 16-21-34.txt
    16.5 KB · Views: 22
  • 2015-05-25 15-22-02.txt
    11.6 KB · Views: 18


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Those errors aren't due to CPU, they're due to device decoding. I'm guessing you're using some sort of USB 2.0 capture device, such as hauppauge or roxio, and audio isn't being decoded properly or something like that (or video?).

If you're using a roxio and having audio issues for example, make sure to exist obs, then open up the roxio program, get the roxio device capturing in the roxio program, then exist the roxio program and restart obs. This resets its internal codec on the audio, allowing obs to capture the signal properly without issue.

Also, there is a memory leak that can occur with USB 2.0 devices on windows where it will slowly use up more and more memory. I have this fixed in the next patch, 0.11.0. That might be the cause of some of the issues you mentioned.

Jason Bland

Thanks Jim, and in all honesty the memory leak appears and sounds to be the problem. When my computer crashes I have to result to holding the power button for a brief four seconds, upon which for a couple of frames I see "Windows has received an error :(" which to me, makes this situation sound the most plausible. I appreciate what you and your team do with this program. For the record, I use the HD Pvr 2, does the guide you gave me for the roxio also apply to the Pvr 2? . Do you have an ETA time on when the 11.0 patch will be released? If you don't wanna release that information I understand, regardless, thanks again.
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