Not as smooth as Shadowplay


I like OBS but it is not quite as smooth as Shadowplay. Even without dropping any frames (its not a bug or my settings) its just that OBS isn't quite as smooth.

Don't get me wrong OBS still looks really good but Shadowplay is a bit smoother.

I did a comparison Shadowplay is on the left and OBS is on the right: There are 3 examples shown, Rocket League first, then CSGO, then Overwatch. Each of them are about 2 minutes long.

Both recorded at 1440p 80 mbps and 60fps. OBS I used NVENC on VBR. Please watch in 1440p60 to see the issue the best. (if 1440p isn't available yet then wait youtube is processing it)

Its a bit harder to tell on youtube but still noticible.

I wonder if there is something to do with the clock in OBS or something that could make it record smoother.

I like all the options and stuff on OBS (especially the multiple audio tracks) but I still usually use Shadowplay to record. I do use OBS to stream though.

Has anyone else noticed this or have any thoughts?

Also they tend to get desynced at times but I'm not sure which one is worse with that.