New Member
Hey guys, I'm pretty competent with computers and tend to figure things out on my own, but I can't seem to isolate this issue!
When I'm streaming, audio from any source other than my mic will "cut out". It will still be heard by me, OBS will still show that the sound is there in the mixer, but the stream will be unable to hear it. To fix it, I have to be told that sound is out then I: File -> Settings -> Audio -> Desktop Audio Device -> Switch to my USB microphone -> Switch back to "Default" -> Works again for a while.
It seems to act up more when using ankhbot songrequest feature, but it's not been isolated as of yet to that specifically.
Let me know if you need any information or if there is anyway I can help you help me.
When I'm streaming, audio from any source other than my mic will "cut out". It will still be heard by me, OBS will still show that the sound is there in the mixer, but the stream will be unable to hear it. To fix it, I have to be told that sound is out then I: File -> Settings -> Audio -> Desktop Audio Device -> Switch to my USB microphone -> Switch back to "Default" -> Works again for a while.
It seems to act up more when using ankhbot songrequest feature, but it's not been isolated as of yet to that specifically.
Let me know if you need any information or if there is anyway I can help you help me.