Bug Report Noise gate not working


New Member
i turn on noise gate but it doesnt work any ideas? Also I tried multitrack audio but it will not output in mp4 so ive been using mov which barely works in sony vegas any ideas how to use multitrack mp4?
Multitrack MP4 works fine for me, it's not really recommended because you can end up with a corrupted file but that's the only container that I personally can get to work in Sony Vegas 12.

What did you set the configuration for your noise gate to? How do you know it's not working?


New Member
I use the exact same settings on the original obs and It works great that didn't work so I turned it up to full, at 100% it kind of works, but it is far less effective than noise gate on the old obs.

When I use OBS with multitrack audio MP4 the audio doesn't even appear just the video track, and the audio doesn't work but if i watch the video outside of vegas it works fine.