No way that OBS can handle QTCGM deinterlacing?


New Member
On last 10 years no one is using anymore the strandard/old-style deinterlacers (yadiff/eedi2/bob et.etc.etc..) the only deinterlacer used is right now:

if OBS can handle this algorythm a lot of people can stop to post-processing using OTHER softwares the captures made by OBS.


Active Member
On last 10 years no one is using anymore... ...the only <fill-in-the-blank> used is...
Did you fall for a marketing campaign? No one tool is used *exclusively* for anything. If it's old and works perfectly, keep using it!

The one exception to that is a general-purpose computing platform that is overly trusting...which is pretty much all of them, unfortunately. Keep the security patches coming for those, so that you don't get hacked, and deal with whatever changes they cause. On a mission-critical machine, that means no automatic updates that can kill a show at the last moment, and DO update manually on a schedule that doesn't put you horribly out of date, and gives you time to test and troubleshoot before the next show.

Otherwise, yeah, keep using the old stuff. You know exactly what to expect from it, and it does exactly what's needed.