Question / Help No sound randomly when recording


New Member
Hi people!

Right now I use OBS Studio instead of the classical OBS for local recording.
I'm doing some speedrun and I often start-stop & start-stop the record.

But, sometimes I got a curious problem: The recorded video doesn't have sound. VLC find the sound part but there is no sound...

This problem appear when I start-stop recording a few times (The first 4 videos are ok, but the 5th and 6th have no sound).
In OBS Studio, I can see the sound mixer move, so it's ok.

I use this settings for my local record:

Audio: 44.1khz, Stereo, Audio Device by Default, 160Kbps

Video: x264->MP4, 1000Kbps of bitrate (Doesn't matter), 0 for buffer, CRF 16, Ultrafast preset, Main Profil, CFR activated and 60 FPS (1920x1080)

Advanced: YUV Color Range on Full

My computer: Intel Core i7 6700k, 8Go of DDR4, Nvidia GTX 970, Realtek HD Audio

You can find the log file here:

Thanks you :)

(PS: Sorry if my English is bad, I'm French)


  • 2016-02-05 17-44-22.txt
    22.8 KB · Views: 10