Question / Help No NDI for Skype streaming?


New Member
I'm still trying to do better live streams with more than one person (conference streams, for interviews etc if you will), I've given up trying to get the audio working with streaming via Zoom and OBS on my Mac, so figured I'd give skype a blast (even though the quality will be poor, I currently use Google hangouts which is shocking and can't go through OBS), anyway, downloaded the NDI and Runtime plugins, and I believe on the windows version at least you have to go to 'tools' to turn on the NDI part.
I do not have that option under Tools on mine.

I'm running Sierra, OBS version 22.0.3, and downloaded and ran the NDI 4.5.2 pkg

I'm still concerned about not being able to get audio sorted, but one problem at a time I guess, there are NO NDI options on OBS at all. I've restarted the computer a couple of times, and am confused as hell.

Can anyone help please?


Active Member
Downgrade to NDI 4.5.1 plugin. There is a conflict between the latest version of OBS and the latest version of the NDI plugin.


New Member
ooo I just downloaded it and it's in OBS, awesome! Thanks Narcogen!!

Now to figure out if I can get the sound working on this bugger LOL


Active Member
NDI is a network version of a professional video standard used by television studios. It's not really supposed to be simple, and currently working with it can be complicated and unreliable. When it works, however, it does something that is otherwise much more complicated, involving running your own RTMP server, and if you think NDI is hard...

If you're seeing an NDI source called "OBS" instead of Skype, you've most likely turned on NDI *output* in OBS when you really meant only enable input. If you don't see another source, then Skype isn't sending-- it only outputs during a conversation, it won't send your camera when idle.

To troubleshoot, open the Studio Monitor application that comes with the NDI Tools to make sure that the problem is not with OBS or the plugin. You can also check the log; if the plugin fails to load it will say so (and the NDI menu options won't appear in the Tools menu). Those options are for output, though, but if they aren't present it means the plugin didn't load.
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