No Name Capture Card Latency


New Member
Got myself a no name capture card for christmas, all it says on the tin is USB 3.0 HDMI VIDEO CAPTURE
I want to use it to stream my Nintendo Switch for my friends but here's the catch, I have no other screen nearby that can play the switch's sound; I have a second monitor but it's a drawing tablet and has no audio output, so I have to play through OBS, but there is now a NOTICEABLE delay between game input and what happens on the screen, it's not my switch as I can take it out of the dock, or plug the hdmi out into said drawing tablet and it's fine

Is there anything I CAN do, or is that just how the card is and I should send it back and buy a brand name one


Active Member
All capture cards have a degree of input and capture latency. Some will have less, but there will always be *some*, especially through OBS which has scaling and compositing steps. Even with a high-end capture card, OBS' preview is going to be anywhere from 60-400ms behind.

Best thing to do is attach an HDMI splitter to a dedicated display. I use an HDMI Matrix in my setup, so I can switch my primary monitor over to showing a console direct-feed when I'm console gaming.