Question / Help No Mjpeg in videoFormat using C922


New Member
Sorry if this information is somewhere, this morning I reset my computer before and After i re-download obs i tried to set up my camera again to the settings i had before but when I try to change the video format the only option is YUY2 and with that format select i cannot run the camera at 1080P @30FPS, at most it is about 8FPS. is this a know issue?


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Perhaps this thread is what you're looking for? Try setting a custom resolution on the camera source (you can set 1920x1080 as a custom resolution) and see if that gives you MJPEG as a format option. You shouldn't have to mess with the registry, as that should be fixed.


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Forum Moderator
I Tried to set it to MJPEG for the format option, the only option I get is YUY2
What version of Windows are you running? Are you using the same camera driver/software as you used before? Is this the same version of Windows as you used before? Did you set a custom resolution for your device source? I just want to be clear on that last point.

That said, perhaps including a log just to give us some extra info about your settings and system would provide some extra insight.

I'll tag @Michael Graves here since he seemed to be on top of issues with Windows and the Logitech C920, C922, and C930e.