Question / Help No Mic Audio / OBS Unresponsive


New Member
Hi all,

I have two issues I need help with. The first being that mymic doesn't appear to be picked up by OBS Studio. I have a AT 2035 condenser mic feeding through a focusrite Scarlet 2i4. They work fine in recording devices, and through my DAW, so I'm not entirely sure why OBS isn't registering it. I've set it up properly, I think.

Secondly, when using the programs, if I try to, for instance, go to settings and change something, or add a new source, pretty much do anything, the program doesn't allow me to click anything after a short time. It's not unresponsive in the sense that it's crashed, it just doesn't let me click any buttons. The red X in the top right highlights when moused over, but I can't click it. I have to go into task manager and force kill the app and restart. This happens every time I use OBS, without fail.

I'm on Windows 10 64x with OBS Studio 0.15.4 btw.

Thanks in advance.


New Member
Hey, thanks for the reply.

Here's my logfile. Just tried to add a capture device for an example of a problem.

Here's another one trying to add a window capture to the scene.

The way I'm set up now, I have my DAW open (FL Studio), with my Scarlett 2i4 attached, with the Focusrite USB Audio device active in Sound and Recording tabs.

When I have FL Studio set to Primary Sound Driver, OBS picks up the Desktop Audio, but when I change it to Focusrite USB ASIO driver (again, in FL Studio), it doesn't pick up sound from desktop, I've tried changing the Audio input in OBS to the focusrite, to no avail.\

As a note: I need FL Studio to be on the Focusrite ASIO driver because that's how I get my mic input in there.

Thanks again for the reply.


When you're sending sound through the Focusrite ASIO drivers you aren't sending it through desktop audio, so OBS won't be able to pick it up. And OBS doesn't use ASIO to the best of my knowledge. Is there a WASAPI option you can use in FL Studio instead? If so, using that I think you may be able to select the Scarlett in OBS for mic and/or desktop audio.