Question / Help No Desktop Audio Capture


New Member
ive been using OBS for a while now and i have never run into any problem i couldnt fix untill now.
im on linux Ubuntu 15.04 and OBS will not record desktop sounds. it was working for a while then one day it stopped working.
i have it set up to capture sound but it still wont. it captures my microphone well, but not other sounds.
i hear the sounds but they are not captured, obs doent even show that its hearing anything other than my mic.
thanks in advance
- Arcavious


New Member
sorry for kind of hijacking this thread, but I have exactly the same problem. From one day to the other, I wasn't able to record desktop sound anymore.


New Member
I just fixed it, iI messed up my PulseAudio settings. I put the volume for "Monitor of Intern Audio Stereo" to zero, which caused it to mute the input for OBS.


New Member
In addition to like's solution, another one might be to ensure that the sound device is correctly specified in OBS's audio settings. Sometimes the devices get switched around or change between loading OBS (in the last version, anyway), so you might have to re-select the devices.