Bug Report No audio with pulseaudio


New Member
I've been using obs for a while now great software. Not too long ago I switched from ubuntu to arch linux now when ever I try to use pulseaudio to capture audio I get no sound. When I use alsa for mic input it works but I can't capture desktop sounds. it dose not show any in the mixer box my system audio mixer shows that there is audio coming from virtual monitor. witch is what obs seems to be using. I had some friends that still use ubuntu check the pulse audio version they have 8.0 while I have 10.0 (obs thinks it is 9.0) my guess is that is the problem.

Here is the only part of the log that looks like it could be helpful.
If you wan't the rest here you go https://gist.github.com/f6670b86745e466dd5f8245d0949ee86 .
info: ------------------------------------------------
info: pulse-input: Server name: 'pulseaudio 9.0'
info: pulse-input: Audio format: s16le, 44100 Hz, 2 channels
info: pulse-input: Started recording from 'alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo.monitor'
info: pulse-input: Server name: 'pulseaudio 9.0'
error: pulse-input: An error occurred while getting the source info!
