Question / Help No audio OBS->YouTube using Live Control Room


New Member
hi all,

streams being produced by OBS and consumed by YouTube using their new Live Control contains NO audio.
in the past, have successfully produced OBS streams and consumed by old YouTube live stream, YES always had audio

strange enough, after starting and stopping both OBS and YouTube Studio Live Control, I get to hear audio on some streams'
however, unable to find what is causing the problem?

1/ has anyone encountered similar problem?
2/ please advise a monitor tool to ascertain the presence of audio on the stream being produced by OBS?
note: YouTube might claim the OBS stream contains NO audio

a/ incoming audio to OBS via NDI source (Skype conference call)
b/ have disabled global audio devices in order to allow only certain audios via a dedicated scene created

thanks in advance for any help

Trajano Roberto


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Active Member
Not aware of any YT glitch or difference between any of their streaming interfaces that would cause this. If the YT stream had no audio in it, it's almost certainly because the OBS stream had no audio in it.

Check. your track assignments in Edit > Advanced Audio Properties and which single audio track you're streaming in the output settings.

For local quality control I set up a local NGINX/RTMP server.

How to set up your own private RTMP server using nginx | OBS Forums › Resources › Guides (General)


New Member
hi @Narcogen,
thanks mate for the reply.
I though exactly the same, perhaps OBS output stream has NO audio???
However, I've monitored OBS output stream, and YES it has audio!

I have attached the pic of the:
Edit->Advanced Audio Properties
and selected for the Audio source, Trajano NDI source
Audio Monitoring = Monitor and Output

Monitoring Device = Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio).

I can monitor the audio output via computer's speakers.
I speak on the microphone attached to a Smart Phone making a Skype call and I can hear the audio coming out from the computer's speaker

However, when I fire up YouTube Studio, Live Control, the YouTube stream being produced contains NO audio

strange is that sometimes, YouTube publishes the live stream with YES audio, but most of the times NO audio;

note: I use NDI Studio Monitor to validate OBS NDI sources being produced by Skype and they contain audio as well

thanks in advance for any help

Trajano Roberto


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Active Member
Audio monitoring is *input* monitoring, not output monitoring. You hearing audio in the monitor means audio is getting into OBS, not that audio is getting out of OBS. If you have the wrong track selected in stream output, or your devices assigned to the wrong track, your stream output will have no audio.

Setting up NGINX-RTMP gives you an absolutely 100% reliable way of testing a live stream locally that will be exactly the same output you get if you go live on a service like YouTube or Twitch.

That said, you do have both your devices on all 6 tracks, so it shouldn't matter what track you're outputting, it should have audio.

Is there a reason why you're doing significant volume reduction on the incoming NDI feed?

Does the input VU monitor for the NDI feed show audio input when you are live streaming? (I mean, does it move?)

Can you post a logfile?

Please post a log with your issue! Here's how...


New Member

above log is when a stream output consumed by YouTube live does NOT have audio

Switched computer ON;
fired Skype and make a conference call from computer to a remote SmartPhone
monitor NDI, and it is fine
fired OBS
fired YouTube studio via Chrome web browser
create a private stream
obtain Stream name/key from YouTube Live control
paste onto OBS and Start Streaming
go back to YouTube Live Control, stream health is excellent, wait to preview and press GO LIVE button
press END

playback private live stream, and GOOD news, stream YES has audio

switch computer OFF
perform all steps as per A/

playback private live stream, and BAD news, stream has NO audio
OBS log as per URL

no changes whatsoever on OBS, and somehow some live stream has audio and others not
no consistency at all

thanks in advance for any assistance

Trajano Roberto
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Active Member
If any streams have audio, then OBS is configured correctly to receive audio and to include it in the stream on the proper tracks.

It shouldn't be a track assignment issue if it is variable, because presumably you're not changing those settings between sessions-- so if they are right the first time, they're right the second time.

Do your sources in the audio mixer all behave normally (reacting to input) in both scenarios?

Is NDI the only source of audio in this setup-- no local devices?

If not, is all audio missing, both NDI and the local device, or just one or the other?

Do you have separate logfiles for these sessions? Both logfiles are the same file. It contains multiple short streaming sessions, but the computer is not restarted between them.

Can you open Edit > Advanced Audio Properties and Settings > Output > Streaming and take screenshots of those as well? Just to confirm the track assignments?


New Member
If any streams have audio, then OBS is configured correctly to receive audio and to include it in the stream on the proper tracks.
Answer: agree

It shouldn't be a track assignment issue if it is variable, because presumably you're not changing those settings between sessions-- so if they are right the first time, they're right the second time.
Answer: correct, I am not changing any OBS setting at all.

Do your sources in the audio mixer all behave normally (reacting to input) in both scenarios?
Answer: Yes

Is NDI the only source of audio in this setup-- no local devices?
Answer: correct. I am using NDI as source, since conference Skype calls being used.

If not, is all audio missing, both NDI and the local device, or just one or the other?
Answer: I only use local NDI, since this is the requirement to broadcast on YouTube.
There is no point in trying local devices, because I am not going to use them.

Do you have separate logfiles for these sessions? Both logfiles are the same file. It contains multiple short streaming sessions, but the computer is not restarted between them.
Answer: correct.
I had a log file for when it was working before I switched the computer OFF and back ON, but I did not post;
the requirement is to post when it does not work.
When the YouTube live stream did NOT have audio, I tried few times.

Can you open Edit > Advanced Audio Properties and Settings > Output > Streaming and take screenshots of those as well? Just to confirm the track assignments?
Answer: Yes I will do

YouTube has changed how to broadcasts live streams.

I’ve used several times YouTube classic, and never had a problem.

In the past, to broadcast live stream, all you need was to obtain the stream name/key from YouTube, paste onto OBS, hit the OBS “Start Streaming” button and the YouTube live stream broadcast would start automatically.

Live streams started appearing with NO audio, since YouTube released Live Control.
Now you have to paste the stream name/key on OBS, hit the OBS “Start Streaming” button, go back to YouTube Live Control, wait for the stream preview on YouTube, and then hit the YouTube “START STREAM” button.
This last step was not required on YouTube Classic.

I believe the interface between OBS and YouTube Live Control needs to be re-developed.

When Streams being produced by OBS to YouTube did not have audio, I installed and used XSplit Broadcaster.
I’ve observed XSplit interface is now utilising the latest YouTube Live Control, and YouTube live streams have YES audio.
I’ve also used StreamYard (albeit being of poor quality), and YES has audio.

YouTube live streams with NO audio started appearing when YouTube released their new Live Control interface.

Thank you in advance for any help.
Trajano Roberto


Active Member
I use both the old and new interfaces since Live Control was released. I do not think that has any connection to your issue. The new scheme primarily affects how you authenticate to a stream. A failure would be a complete failure for a stream to work at all-- not for audio to fail.


New Member

thank you very much for your outstanding support;
I am sure we will resolve this problem;

Please find attached screen captures.

have switched the computer ON, record a live stream on YouTube and NO audio yet again.

log file with the problem

Thank you very much

Trajano Roberto


  • OBS_Edit_ Advanced Audio Properties.JPG
    OBS_Edit_ Advanced Audio Properties.JPG
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  • OBS_Settings_Advanced.JPG
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  • OBS_Settings_Audio.JPG
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  • OBS_Settings_Output.JPG
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  • OBS_Settings_Stream.JPG
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  • OBS_Settings_Video.JPG
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New Member

log file when the YouTube live stream has YES audio

as explained before, randomly, without changing any OBS settings, all the sudden YouTube live stream has YES audio???
unable to find out the reasons for some OBS -> YouTube live streams having YES audio and others NO audio

very strange????

Computer OFF and ON
log generated after I had to fire YouTube live control twice, and on 2nd time YouTube live stream has YES audio;

1st, after firing up YouTube Live control, YouTube aborted the connection.
2nd, I had to close Chrome browser, re-start it again and re-initiate YouTube and this time the live stream managed to fire up;

on both occasions, OBS was functioning perfectly;

Trajano Roberto
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Active Member
I think I asked this before, but is there a reason you are adjusting your NDI source by more than -7db? The levels as displayed above would be so quiet as to appear almost silent. (-50db in one pic, -40db in another).

Are these streams archived? Can you link me to one?

The only outright error I see in the log is network-related:

21:58:17.839: RTMPSockBuf_Fill, remote host closed connection
21:58:17.839: [rtmp stream: 'simple_stream'] Connection to rtmp:// failed: -3

Which just indicates that at that moment, your computer was unable to contact the YouTube ingest server.


New Member
Thank you very much for your support.

A/ I’ve adjusted the NDI source signal strength via the fade slide bar on the audio mixer, in order to reduce audio saturation;
In one of the live stream, I did not fade at all, left at 0 DB, and the result was the same, ie. NO audio

B/ I can download the stream file generated by YouTube ; if OBS can archive the stream, I will research and advise.

C/ correct regarding error messages
In one of the live streams, sadly YouTube was unable to consume OBS output streams, and YouTube closed the connection; I re-started and it worked; from time to time YouTube is unable to initiate the live stream, unsure why?

Yesterday, when OBS -> YouTube stream had NO audio, I initiated a live stream using XSplit Broadcaster.
And YES the YouTube live stream had audio.
I do not like XSplit Broadcaster, prefer OBS and I will persist to get OBS working.

If I can somehow live monitor output streams being produced by OBS and consumed by YouTube, would be nice.
So far, I live broadcast on YouTube and then playback the video generated by YouTube to ascertain if it has audio or not.

Without changing any OBS settings, some YouTube live videos has YES audio and others NO audio, indicates to me the problem is related to YouTube

Thank you again
Trajano Roberto


New Member

have used Wireshark to capture Ethernet traffic from the computer producing OBS output stream to YouTube live server.
Wireshark indicates audio data being sent

have captured OBS log data, for OBS ->YouTube live stream with NO audio

It appears YouTube is receiving audio data contained in the OBS stream, but somehow YouTube is not processing it????






New Member

Have done some analysis on the Ethernet packets exchanged between computer running XSplit Broadcaster to produce output streams to YouTube live server;
Have played back YouTube live, and YES has audio
RTMP exchange messages between XSplit Broadcaster and YouTube live server differt than the ones between OBS and YouTube live server;






New Member
RTMP packets exchanged between OBS and YouTube live server
playback YouTube live video, and NO audio
***** problem, NO audio on YouTube live stream *****

A/ same as when using OBS (NO Audio) and XSplit Broadcaster (YES audio)

B/ YouTube live server -> _result('NetConnection.Connect.Success')
YouTube live server -> onBWDone()
OBS -> releaseStream('hkza-7mv-3sbS-capc')
OBS -> FCPublish('hkza-7mvb-3sb5-capc')|createStream()|_checkbw()
YouTube live server -> send _result()
OBS -> publish('hkza-7mvb-3sb5-capc')


OBS -> Audio Data
OBS -> Video Data
OBS -> Unknown (0x0)

OBS -> Video Data
OBS -> Audio Data