Question / Help No Audio Activity at all?

Hannah Tindal

New Member

So it appears in my attempt of adding add ons such as soundflower or loopback, my OBS is not picking up any sound activity at all. There's no green bar or anything no matter what I try. I've tried resetting everything to it's original state, putting things how they originally were, uninstalling and reinstalling and nothing is working. I've looked at hundreds of forms of forms but nothing has helped.

Here is the log:

Please help me. I am so frustrated.


Active Member
What is your output device in System Preferences > Sound?

What device is selected under Properties of your Audio Input Capture in OBS?

Hannah Tindal

New Member
Output Device at the moment is internal speakers just to see if any sound will play and here is my Audio Input Capture set up:

Screen Shot 2019-01-22 at 3.30.59 PM.png


New Member
Had a similar problem with Mac and Mojave, I had to allow OBS to use my camera and mic. In security settings I think permissions but I'm not sure. Sorry not using my mac now. Once I gave OBS permission to use my camera and mic I was able to get sound and image. Hope this helps.


Active Member
Output Device at the moment is internal speakers just to see if any sound will play and here is my Audio Input Capture set up:
This only shows the microphone being captured, so you wouldn't get any desktop audio-- no audio from applications at all. Your virtual device (SoundFlower, iShowU, LoopBack, whatever) needs to be set in MacOS System Preferences (not OBS) as the default output, and then added as a source in OBS, either in the Source pane or in Settings > Audio.

You then need a way of also sending that sound to a hardware device so you can hear it. OBS has a monitoring feature in Settings > Advanced that can be used for this (you select which sources to monitor in Edit > Advanced Audio Properties), LoopBack has monitoring devices as a built-in feature, or with SoundFlower or IShowU, you use MIDI setup to create an aggregate device that includes 1) your virtual device and 2) a real hardware device that you're listening to, preferably headphones.

You can also use the free LineIn tool to send audio from one device (virtual or real) to a device for monitoring. This way you can use SoundFlower or iShowU without needing to mess with MIDI setup).

Also as per Gibby above, check in System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Microphone and make sure OBS is allowed to use your microphone.