Question / Help nginx rtmp server


New Member
Hey All,

I setup a rtmp server using nginx on a Raspberry Pi 3 (running Raspbian)

I am able to connect to it via another computer on my network but my friend at a different location cannot.

When I say connect I am referencing using OBS. I'm able to stream to the server no issues.

The below is how I have my nginx.conf file setup:

rtmp {
server {
listen 1935;
chunk_size 4096;

application live {
live on;
record off;

Couple of questions:
Do I need to configure anything else on my side with nginx / server box?
Is it something with my modem blocking his traffic?
Or does he need to do something to be able to hit 1935 on his side?


New Member

your nginx-rtmp config is simple but looks Ok i think.

you mention 'modem' by which do you mean your home router, i'd imagine it would run a NAT firewall? you'd probably need to forward port 1935 to the ip of the server where nginx-rtmp lives and also configure firewalls to allow 1935 inbound?
