The guide by
@NerdOrDie I linked was for you to get a good insight into how OBS Studio works for a user as a whole. It is the best guide to use as an overview that I have found to date, though it is tailored towards streaming it does also contain a quick base recording setup.
There is no 'best settings' for all users, it really is a bit of trial and error in configuration once you get a basic encoder setting to function.
Can you make sure you have the latest OBS Studio version (Currently 18.0.1) choose the x64 bit version as you have a x64 bit OS.
Can you please go to:
And download the file:
The above file will automatically find your OBS Studio install location and should install itself correctly to allow for the latest version of the AMD AMF encoder version to function within OBS Studio.
Below is a quick list of encoder settings for you to try and get video output as well as audio, performance might not be the best yet it should give an output to work with (Can troubleshoot the performance issues after):
Advanced tab:
Process Priority: Above Normal
Renderer: Direct3D 11
Color Format: NV12
YUV Color Space: 709
YUV Color Range: Partial
Video tab:
Base Resolution: 1920x1080
Output Resolution: 1920x1080
Downscale Filter: Bilinear (Fastest, but blurry if scaling)
FPS Value: 60
Audio tab:
Sample Rate: <--- You need to check your Audio Sample Rate settings under Audio Management Properties. Right-click on your
Speaker icon in the notification area (For Windows OS) Select
Playback Devices, left-click to highlight your Default Audio Output Device (The device you play audio through) Click on
Properties below and navigate to the
Advanced tab to see your
Default Format (Should be 24 bit, 44100/48000 Hz (Studio Quality) In OBS Studio you need to have the Same rate set to the same Hz sample rate.
Channels: Stereo
Desktop Audio Device: Default or manually select your Audio Playback Device (Speakers/Headphones, etc)
Desktop Audio Device 2: Disabled
Mic/Auxiliary Audio Device: Microphone (Your Mic input device in Sound Recording Devices)
Mic/Auxiliary Device 2: Disabled
Mice/Auxiliary Device 3: Disabled
Note: If you need multiple audio tracks, the above device settings can be configured for those multiple audio tracks.
Output tab:
Output Mode: Advanced
The below settings require:
View Mode: Advanced
To be set at the bottom of the encoder settings, you must set this first!
Recording tab (In Output tab):
Type: Standard
Recording Path: <--- Wherever you want to have your recordings written to SSD/HDD (Fastest disk available is generally best, I have it set to a SSD and have a storage HDD that I use for long-term storage when I want to hold onto the files)
Generate File Name without Space: Checked/Unchecked <--- Your preference though I find unchecked a bit easier to read.
Recording Format: flv <--- flv format allows for retention of file playback if OBS Studio crashes, your game crashes, etc.
Audio Track: 1 <--- flv file format does not allow multiple audio track output, if you need multiple audio track output then select mkv format for the Recording Format option, then select the number of audio tracks you require for your file output.
Encoder: H264 Encoder (AMD Advanced Media Framework)
Rescale Output: Unchecked
Custom Muxer Settings: None/Blank
Preset: None/Blank (Top-most option, above Reset to Defaults)
Quality Preset: Speed
Profile: High
Rate Control Method: Variable Bitrate (Latency Constrained) (VBR_LAT)
Target Bitrate: 50000
Peak Bitrate: 100000
Minimum QP: 11
Maximum QP: 51
VBV Buffer Strictness: 50.00
Frame Skipping: Disabled
Enforce HRD Compatibility: Enabled
Keyframe Interval: 2.00
B-Frames: 0
Deblocking Filter: Enabled
Video API: Direct3D 11
Video Adapter: <--- Your Video Card
OpenCL: Enabled
View Mode: Advanced
Debug: Unchecked
Can you attempt to record again with the above settings for a few minutes please (Playing the game as you would normally) then stop the recording attempt, then upload the current logfile (Make sure you have attempted a recording and have stopped the recording attempt prior)
Hope this helps!