Question / Help New User Livestream Low End Computer


New Member
Hi All,

I'm a new OBS user though I've done some live-streams since last year, I want to clarify that I'm NO GAMER, I don't have/want/can't afford gaming gear but my main task is teaching I have a live-stream in Spanish called "Preguntale al Trainer" - Ask the trainer which aims to teach Networking to people specifically Mikrotik and Ubiquiti.

I have a self-built 5-7 year old PC which I use for that it's way old please see attached CPU-Z stats.




Additionally it has three HDs 1 120 SSD and two SATA 5400 RPM 500GB drives.
II do want to get a graphics card with NVENC encoder because I'm using x264 but I'm also a visually impaired person who needs to use the Magnifier to watch my screen but doing that and recording/streaming on OBS at the same time screws the whole thing up, dropped frames slow motion frame by frame video, so it's bad. I'm also using Logi c922 Pro streamer webcam and I do some home-made green screen, I've read many posts ad watched many videos on this but very few talk about non-gamer streams which is what I need,

I think my PC can cope with OBS and stuff I mentioned already because I do not use games so no additional load on the CPU apart from x264, as you see my video card is a crappy one -- I know -- that's where my question comes, which card can I get without breaking the bank or getting an ear full from my wife.

I've looked into Nvidia cards
1050, 1060, 1650, 1660 any other suggestion is also welcome.

Advice here

Checked here: not a lot of help just hi end cards so which card should I get no more than $300.

Thanks for your advice.


Active Member
Seconding the quicksync suggestion. This will allow you to take a lot of load off the CPU for dedicated encoding. The quality of the encode is lower, but that should not be an issue considering the content you're encoding.

On that note, it would help if you could include a log file of a recording/streaming session so we can help to pinpoint any other issues you may be encountering.

If you are still looking to upgrade your GPU though if quicksync doesn't work out, then the one to get right now is the GTX 1650 super. Specifically the "super" variant -- the non-super card uses an older generation chip and does not have the new turing nvenc encoder onboard.


New Member
Check your OBS Output settings to see if you have Quicksync available. I'm able to stream on an old Windows 7 era laptop at 1080p 30fps at 3072 Kbps with pretty good quality. Some more info on Quicksync at

Thank you very much @qhobbes, I sometimes find so many misleading info use Quicksync, don't use that so it tends to get messy but 2-0 in favor, I'll definitely try it on this Wednesday's stream.

Also I'll get a log baked?, Erm, I'll look for info on creating it.

Seconding the quicksync suggestion. This will allow you to take a lot of load off the CPU for dedicated encoding. The quality of the encode is lower, but that should not be an issue considering the content you're encoding.

On that note, it would help if you could include a log file of a recording/streaming session so we can help to pinpoint any other issues you may be encountering.

If you are still looking to upgrade your GPU though if quicksync doesn't work out, then the one to get right now is the GTX 1650 super. Specifically the "super" variant -- the non-super card uses an older generation chip and does not have the new turing nvenc encoder onboard.

Thanks a lot fotr the sugfgestion, it's overwhelming the amount of NVIIDIA cards available and streamers pushing you to get the 20XX which are way of my pocket boundaries. Also nobody seems to get it that there are people that don't do gaming, teachers like me or just hobbyists with an 7-8 year old self-made PC trying to make the buck on this human malware situation.

Finally and excusing myself beforehand, one more question on the advised card. I'm learning and playing around with After (de)Effects and I do editing and post with Filmora 9 (considering Premier). Can I use that same GTX 1650?. Would you push for another?.

Thanks for taking the time to read and reply.

Regards fellow OBSers.

UPDATE: I enabled Quicksync like this

Are those settings OK, I tried to emulate the veryfast and main profile and target usage.



Active Member
The main setting you're going to want to worry about there is the bitrate. This is going to be limited by your own connection out to whichever streaming service you're using, and has the most direct impact on stream quality.

It would definitely still help to see a log file from a test stream, to see if there's any other issues that aren't apparent that you may be running into that can be cleaned up.

As far as using that GPU for after effects or video editing... I unfortunately don't have much experience at all with video editors and how they utilize different cards. That would be more something for in-depth research specifically on that front.


New Member
The main setting you're going to want to worry about there is the bitrate. This is going to be limited by your own connection out to whichever streaming service you're using, and has the most direct impact on stream quality.

It would definitely still help to see a log file from a test stream, to see if there's any other issues that aren't apparent that you may be running into that can be cleaned up.

As far as using that GPU for after effects or video editing... I unfortunately don't have much experience at all with video editors and how they utilize different cards. That would be more something for in-depth research specifically on that front.

Again, appreciate your input, everything as little as two lines help me because I know computers, networking and that stuff but when it comes to this I declare myself ignorant.

Here's an speedtest of my fiber connection, it's above 40-50Mbits upload, but I've read and seen that you shouldn't go above 3000 which is my current setting.

In the meantime and desperation -- I've set a macbook mid 2012 16GB RAM I had laying around and installed OBS+NDI and I'm sending my stream from WINPC to the MAC and the MACbook goes to which is what i use to simulcast -- I did this because I don't know if I told you I'm visually impaired and I have to constantly use Windows Magnifier to read my viewer chats and that really screws the stream up even more. As I said my situation is near unique IMO.

I have a virtual studio background plus chroma key, I did my own simple stinger transition Here are some screenshots of what I do.

Can't upload screenshots, too large it says. here's a link:

Finally, I've found a real good deal on a used RTX2060 Super 6GB, which will arrive ... which will arrive with this human malware situation who knows when.

I have a live stream today so it'll be a great time to test and get the logs.



Active Member
You may be able to get a bit more quality if you change the profile to High and target usage to Quality. I would also recommend checking . They have a chat client that you can use in a browser so should be able to enlarge the text by zooming in on the page.


New Member
You may be able to get a bit more quality if you change the profile to High and target usage to Quality. I would also recommend checking . They have a chat client that you can use in a browser so should be able to enlarge the text by zooming in on the page.

@qhobbes, thanks man you and @carlmmii really make out for this forum, thanks a million.

Regarding, yeah, I've gotten my account there and (which I want to leave) but not sure if trying on today's 9PM ivecast, I did see the client but never thought of the CTRL++ to zoom on the chat and read people's comments, I love restream because it combines all chats.

Will definitely let you know after my stream.

Thanks guys!.


New Member
Hello you guys, man I´m so happy, on Friday I got the RTX 2060 Super 8gb (Super as per @carlmmii's suggestion), Installed it and Oh man, wordless, noticeable difference right away, I've tried some unlisted streams at 3500kbps and no lag or glitches of course it{s Saturday 9PM here, so I'm not sure if there's a lot of internet usage right now but tested 30fps, 59.94fps with no issues ( Yup!, that nerdie, geeky bold guy is David. Man I'm so so happy, even with the i5 3rd gen performance is stable and reliable. I did throw a 2hr test stream with nothing but music and some shots, 1080@30fps, then a 1/2hr 720@59.94fps ( that's what the c922 gives me). Hope you can check the sample youtube link guys, it was all thanks to you and your valuable input.

Some OBS stats

I{m so happy and thankful at least two people replied and lead me to the right video card, thank you so much. @carlmmii and @qhobbes .


I've gone through the Geforce OBS website and adjusted some of my settings I don't really trust people like @EposVox other long shot streamers and their showing off, I want to do things according to what I've got not what the want me to get.

As I do also create per-recorded tutorials, I do some n00b editing on Filmora 9 and some After Effects but I want to take on Premier, some steep learning curve, but will give it a shot, plus it does benefit from a good GPU.

Sorry about my poor English and grammar, when I type I normally typO a lot.
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