Question / Help New setup with capture device and a whole lot of questions.


New Member
Hi everyone,

so I got this new setup:

PC (runs just the game)

Elgato HD 60S via HDMI => forwards the iG Sound to the streaming notebook

Notebook (Here I plug in the camera, the Mic (0.1 sec delay so far... looks good) and the I though the headset for getting the IG sound here.
BUT That part does not work. I can't hear it on OBS. I might be able to plug some cheap earphones into the monitor to mirror the sound there but aside from that? I'm lost. I think, if I had the IG sound on the streaming PC it might also play double (once from the video source Elgato) and then maybe over the desktop outlet?
But it's not playing at all.
Anyone got an idea?

The second question:
When I start up twitchalerts as a window capture (basicall all browserwindows), it's just adding a black square to the studio. Now I know, I got this running on my PC. But I've never seen this before.

I could really use some help with those issues.

kind regards

I don't know about your sound issue. For Twitch Alerts, is the Alert window on top? I believe it needs to be on top of your screen (visible and not covered by other tabs) in order to show up on OBS.

You should use the browser source instead of the window capture. It's way easier that way.


New Member
Hi Germaximus,

actually neither did work.
When I put the window capture to the front it does not work and the browsersource does work for some pages but apparently not for the twitchalerts popup (probably because I'm not logged in ;) from OBS).

Thanks for the hints so far. Gives me things to try ;)