Bug Report New Quick Sync encoder has playback issues in video editors


I've come across an issue with the new QuickSync encoder.

Recordings made with this have serious playback issues in video editors like Resolve and hiccups in Vegas, making it impossible/extermely difficult to seek through or edit footage.

However, footage recorded with the old QuickSync encoder (Media Foundation) works perfectly in these editors.

Is there a bug in the new encoder?


Does this mean it's an issue with the editors not decoding correctly?
Sorry, I don't quite follow the technical stuff, or what they're saying in that thread :(

If that's so, why does the deprecated QuickSync Media Foundation work fine in them?

Is it recommended I use the old encoder if I want to edit my recordings?



And if you remux (without re-encode)? Is the problem still persist?
I can give that a shot, you can recommend decent free program for remuxing?

Although I did try the recording QuickSync encoder with both .mov and .mp4 in OBS, and both had same result.


record to flv and remux to mp4 in obs file menu. Yea this bug is annoying af

Yes! This worked!

Also recording to mkv and remuxing to mp4 works too!

I wonder why recording to mp4 or mov don't play back nice hmm.

I guess the extra step of remuxing isn't too bothersome, especially now that you tell me it's possible to remux in OBS, I had no idea haha :D

Thank you!


New Member
Is there a workaround without re-encoding? I do not want to lose quality.

A direct Stream copy from MKV to MP4 for example does give me very fast random access without quality loss, but editing in ADOBE PREMIERE PRO is not working properly. Exporting is for most part of the video just wrong. Async and sometimes red screens etc. Recording with NVENC is just fine. But I wanted to use my IGP and have less load on my GPU.


Is there a workaround without re-encoding? I do not want to lose quality.

A direct Stream copy from MKV to MP4 for example does give me very fast random access without quality loss, but editing in ADOBE PREMIERE PRO is not working properly. Exporting is for most part of the video just wrong. Async and sometimes red screens etc. Recording with NVENC is just fine. But I wanted to use my IGP and have less load on my GPU.
Use the built-in remux and remux from flv to mp4. No quality is lost. Like, not even 0.01%.


New Member
Use the built-in remux and remux from flv to mp4. No quality is lost. Like, not even 0.01%.

If I chose "flv", there is no option for remux available. I probably do not understand you correctly. Would you like to provide me a screenshot of this option? Would be very kind of you!


If I chose "flv", there is no option for remux available. I probably do not understand you correctly. Would you like to provide me a screenshot of this option? Would be very kind of you!
Sure, once I return home. Currently at school and don't have OBS installed on my laptop.


New Member
Sure, once I return home. Currently at school and don't have OBS installed on my laptop.
I see. have a look at this ^^.



New Member
Sure, once I return home. Currently at school and don't have OBS installed on my laptop.
I am trying all day now. 4 Hours real time at least. No chance it seems. Direct stream copies do not solve incompatibility with ADOBE sadly.


New Member
@antrox are you sure that your HW encoder not damaged?
Also, you asked about the option:

New test build of the OBS Studio available, you may want to make new recordings with it, maybe it works a way better: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/jp9000/obs-studio/build/#3018 (choose "Image: Visual Studio 2017", then click ARTIFACTS tab and download .zip version of the test build).

I will take a look at the link.

My CPU works just fine and how to find out if the IGP is kind of "broken"? All seems fine. I am not even overclocking, indeed I am running 4Ghz only because no need for more with 6C12T (8700k).

PS: I've found also "some" other people having the same issue. But not many. Does anyone else have the possibility to test this with my setup and also check ADOBE PREMIERE THEN? ^^


New Member
SOLUTION: There is no solution for Adobe Premiere Pro. Remuxing with OBS or some other tool does also not fix the problem. Re-Encode sure works, but you lose a lot of quality if you render twice in the end.

I came to this conclusion because of the fact that Vegas Pro 16 works very fine with both recordings (NVENC and QUICKSYNC). Vegas Pro has no playback issues and also renders very good for the actual export.

ANOTHER THING: I am very sure that there is ONE little "detailed" setting with the QuickSync recording with the H.264 Codec which breaks ADOBE in some way. There must be a difference to the settings used with NVENC H.264. Since both encoders using the same codec, there is a way to do it the exact same way. But this is not the case here.

EDIT 1: Sadly Vegas provides visible quality loss. ADOBE is way better for some reason with the same settings (at least at the surface).
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New Member
@antrox are you sure that your HW encoder not damaged?
Also, you asked about the option:

New test build of the OBS Studio available, you may want to make new recordings with it, maybe it works a way better: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/jp9000/obs-studio/build/#3018 (choose "Image: Visual Studio 2017", then click ARTIFACTS tab and download .zip version of the test build).

read my last post in case you wonder what is going with this problem, u seem to be interested ^^.