Bug Report New Media Source objects not available in PREVEIW mode


So here's the scenario;
1. Adding a new media source (an animated gif that loops) to the preview window of a live running cast
2. "Loop", "Use hardware decoding", "Restart playback when active" and "local file" all ENABLED.
3. Sometimes video will show up in properties window sometimes not
But when applying the new addition to the preview window the new object is nowhere to be found to place onto the scene.
Tried bringing to top and center to screen - no joy. The object placed all the way at the top of the scene asset stack as well so it should be on top of all layers in the scene - no joy. The new objects simply do not show up in preview.
Have tried en/disabling the various check boxes on the properties panel - no joy there either. And yes PREVIEW MODE is ENABLED/checked.

Is this a known bug or something totally new??? This is THE LATEST version of OBS Studio - applied yesterday.

Would also like to point out that color depth is somewhat compromised since the last version. Color setting s all remain the same but it seems some shades of gray have been lost making the display somewhat contrasty and the color phase seems a bit skewed as well - all other settings remaing equal.
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Gol D. Ace

Image Source now also supports .gifs. (And works in Studio Mode.)

Also what do you mean with Preview mode? OBS Studio always have the preview active. Do you mean Studio Mode?

Maybe this was made so that the Media Source will not play randomly out Sound? Dunno.