New guy PC to MAC question


New Member
I just purchased a Macbook Pro with Catalina OS and want to transfer my projects from my PC to the Mac.
Can I simply email the file? Save it to an external hard drive and upload it? Or, do I have to start the project over on the Mac?
Thanks for your help.


The problem is that the scene collection is stored in a JSON file and the pathnames of files are fully qualified and of course the device names are PC specific. Unless you are really good at editing JSON files, the approach I found that works is to use the 'transmogrifier' in UPDeck. It allows packaging and movement of scene collections. Even then, you will have to go in and fix all of your device names for encoders and audio. As a Mac guy who uses OBS both in windows and Mac I can tell you it is not as good on a Mac. Window capture is terrible on a Mac, sound is more problematic and in Catalina crashes happen a lot.