need someone smarter than I

meditation guy

New Member
Work for meditation company, with Covid we have started streaming meditations, all wortks great except we have to play the music on a seperate computer and cant hear music and voc in same headset.
Goal would be to play music off same computer as OBS, and in headset hear music and voc at same time so music to voice ratio can be constantly fine tuned..
what step are we missing? a usb external sound card to pc?
please internet guru's help a guy out..
enclosed the path we currently have..



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Active Member
On your OBS computer, set your default audio output device to the soundcraft mixer. This will output that PC's audio to line 7/8 on the mixer.

For your headphones, I'm guessing you have the switch pressed in for "Master/Aux". Press this and it will toggle back to Master, which will give you full monitoring.