Question / Help Need Help With Macbook Pro Streaming


New Member
I recently acquired a Macbook Pro Retina and have been wanting to use it as a streaming machine. The capture card I'm using is the Avermedia Extremecap U3. The problem I'm having is that it doesn't detect the capture card as a capture device (I know it does in Windows). I tried to just go full screen in ReCentral and do screen capture, but I notice the sound starts clipping when my Macbook is running both ReCentral and OBS at the same time. Are they working on improving capture card support? I mean a lot of people are probably wanting to use Macs as dedicated stream PCs, and it's very hard with no capture card support :P

My next question is that the Extremecap U3 doesn't have any audio input or output, meaning the only way I can get sound from my game on my stream, is to output my audio through the HDMI cable, and then connect my headset to my Macbook. This doesn't work very well because the audio is delayed, making playing games very annoying, plus the audio clipping I talked about above. I was wondering if there was a way I could output sound to my HMDI cable, but at the same time get sound on my PC (preferably USB audio because I have a Fiio e17 Alpen DAC.) Please I could use some suggestions, whether it's buying some sort of cable or splitter, or maybe a program I could use on my PC to use 2 audio output devices at the same time.

If I can get these kinks worked out, my Macbook Pro will be a beast stream machine :)
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I'm going to buy the capture card along with others to see if I can get them working. I'm sorry about that. I'm sure they can be made to work, or at least I hope. These companies don't seem to care about mac sometimes and it really just makes me upset.


New Member
Thank you that means a lot. I've had pretty good luck on my test streams using syphon to capture my Avermedia recording window.

I did encounter a problem with this method though. The base resolution in OBS is set to 3360x2100 for me. I think this has something to do with the retina display and how it scales the UI (and the aspect ratio of macs in general), but I'm not sure because I've only had my Macbook for a short time and it's my first one. This creates black bars on the top and bottom of the preview window. I was able to fix this by plugging in a 1080p monitor, dragging OBS over to it, then choosing 1080p as the base resolution. This eliminated the black bars for me. There's probably a simpler solution to this, but I couldn't figure it out :p If not though, maybe an option to choose different aspect ratios for the base resolution would help?

I'm looking forward to the coming updates to Mac OBS :)


Community Helper
You can always change the base resolution of OBS to whatever you want by typing it in manually.
im a windows user...but you can get noise from the u3. All you need is a hdmi splitter. this will split the signal so you can have a out put to your tv AND HAV AUDIO IN YOUR RECORDINGS. without having to output anything to ur headset. this is how i record. if you want me to show you how to set the splitter up let me twll u


New Member
I ordered a mixer, which should help with audio problems that the U3 has. I do have an HDMI splitter that I use when streaming console gameplay. But for the most part I play PC games on a 144hz monitor, so I can't use an HDMI cord or else I could only play at 60hz.

I'll post here with more info when I get the mixer, but hopefully it fixes the sound popping.