Need Help Setting Up a Virtual Background in OBS with a Greenscreen


New Member
Hi OBS Users,

I'm trying to use a digital image as my background in OBS while using a greenscreen. Could someone guide me on how to set this up effectively? What are the best settings or filters to use to ensure the image looks natural behind me?

Thanks For Any Help!
Googling "digital image as my background in OBS while using a greenscreen" gets ten pages of results, including a bunch of YouTube videos


New Member
Googling "digital image as my background in OBS while using a greenscreen" gets ten pages of results, including a bunch of YouTube videos. For help: concretesrichmondva

Thanks for the suggestion! I’ll check out the search results and those YouTube videos. Appreciate the help!


New Member
#00b140 Should be the official green screen color, when you go to apply a key. This is the value you should use. "Technically" it might vary if your camera does not display colors super accurrate.