Question / Help Need Help OBS capture for Mixed realty

Lok Tsang

New Member
Hi Expert ,

Please help~~~ I need to use OBS make the MR videos, but start from March, My OBS can't capture 2 sources (Game or Windows capture) in the same time to Mixed the videos.

Games: Tilt Brush

註解 2020-03-17 125537.png

2 Sources (Same Games)

註解 2020-03-17 125429.png

Game Capture

註解 2020-03-17 125335.png

Windows capture (Can't work)


Active Member
Remove any duplicate game captures of the same app. If you want to have the same game capture twice, add the second capture with the "add existing" option, not with the "add new" option. If you need to crop both captures differently, don't use the crop filter (filters are inherited by all instances of the same capture) but instead press and hold the ALT key and drag the red handles around the source to crop. This can be used to cropped two instances of the same capture differently.