Need help changing YouTube channels in OBS

Jet Peddler

New Member
First post Noob here. My name is Tripp, from the San Antonio area and glad to be here. I'm also new to OBS as well.

I'm attempting to broadcast a video from outdoor mounted Reolink camera to livestream on YouTube through OBS. I've successfully done this but (I have seven YouTube channels under one Google account) it the stream isn't going to the channel I would like. I know how to go in and select which channel to direct the stream to, but when I go into change it, make changes and then save the changes, OBS fails to change to the same channel. I disconnect from the "wrong" channel" and then select the "correct" channel and then save the changes, but nothing changes. Still stuck on the wrong channel.

Was wondering if anyone else has had the same problem, or knows how to solve it.

Thanks in advance!!

JP (Tripp)


Are you having OBS log in to your YouTube account? Try, instead, manually entering the stream key in Streaming settings. You lose the "create stream" dialog in OBS and have to configure everything in YouTube Studio, but at least OBS will send it where you want it.