Question / Help Need best video bitrate to stream overwatch and other games


I am starting to stream overwatch but it lags unfourtunately.

I had the bit rate at 2500 with audio at 160.

I am currently using a 31 inch 4k LG monitor with normal screen settings of 4096X2160 NVIDIA GEFORCE GTX 970 if that matters.

What settings can i set this at?

Please help,

I cant really rescale to the 1920 X 1080 as it auto dosent fit the screen and would rather not have that.

What is i tried a 2500 bit rate with less fps?


Active Member
Edit scaled resolution. Don´t use proposed.
This way you can set canvas size to 1920x1080 o 1280x720.


Active Member
1920x1080x30fps at 3500 should be good.

EDIT- Your internet is 2800kbps. So, 2500 is maximum ( you must add audio)
Change profile from veryfast to superfast. Ultrafast reduces lag but you´ll get pixelated video in quick turns, usual in any FPS.
You can reduce to 25 fps, also.
Hi, I just ran a speed test and im at 2200 kbps now. where on OBS studio can i change my profile speed to super fasT? I tried locating but was unable to do so.

Ty for all the help