Question / Help Need advice about streaming and hardware for it!


New Member
Hey, I've just started streaming, and learning about it, setting things up etc..

Now, my current rig is:

i5 3470
gtx 1060
8gb DDR3
regular 7200hdd.
Win 1064bit

60Mbps download / 4Mbps upload

First question about current state of things is, which upload would you recommend for streaming in 720p 60fps?

Currently possible options I have with my provider are, 100Mbps/6Mbps or 150Mbps/8Mbps.

Is 6 upload enough for streaming and regular internet usage along with it?

Second question is with regards to hardware.

I'm planning to upgrade my rig, and I'm still thinking if I should go for Ryzen of some type, R1700 or wait for R5 to see how they perform, or should I stick with intel and go for 7700k?

Can somebody tell me (preferably who has one of these), how they perform in gaming along with streaming?

Thank you very much!