NDI and Audio Buffering broken


New Member
I'm experiencing the issue of ever increasing audio buffering, which makes the NDI audio out of sync from the video. Note this is a 2 computer setup using NDI to the encoding machine. Regardless of sync (internal/network) the audio continues to become out of sync. The only salve currently is to restart the first OBS instance on the "gaming" computer. From what I've read it seems that the intention is that the audio buffering allows the rendering to catch up and the output video and audio should be synced. However this is definitely not the case.

I'm not spiking CPU or GPU everything is running pretty low. I will admit that my usb port usage is higher than most and entirely possible that I'm overloading the bus. However while a super simple setup might be one "solution" it doesn't fix the inherent issue with OBS audio buffering desyncing.

Has this been investigated?
