Question / Help N/A


Your 4790K can do Medium 720p30 for most games without issue.

I have done a fair amount of playing around with x264 custom parameters and to be honest most of them are set where they need to be with the CPU presets. The ones that do do something jack your CPU usage through the roof.

Personally I use Medium 720p30 with Film Tuning and Bilinear Scaling (From 2560x1440).

Foliage is really hard for a encoder to compress and the reason it takes so long to "refresh" is because of Twitch's keyframe interval of 2 seconds. Film tuning may help a little with the bushes because it tweaks the deblocking filter, Bilinear keeps the artifacts down due to it sampling the least, it's less sharp.

If by any chance you are playing H1Z1, good luck, that game compresses like a bag of ass