Question / Help My stream's video freezes for a couple of seconds but audio continues


New Member
When I'm streaming on Twitch, my stream's video freezes for a couple of seconds, but audio continues. How to fix it?


Active Member
15:55:25.898: Output 'simple_stream': Number of dropped frames due to insufficient bandwidth/connection stalls: 52802 (3.2%)

2400 bitrate + 96 audio = 2500 kbps total bitrate + game

Maybe you don´t have enough upload speed.

You're having issues with connectivity or bandwidth to the twitch ingress server

"Number of dropped frames due to insufficient bandwidth/connection stalls: 52802 (3.2%)"

I see your on Ethernet so try running the twitch bandwidth tool and ensure you are picking and ingress server with as close to 100 quality as possible no lower than 80, use 64 tcp and duration of 30secs.

few other bits change fps to 30 from 60 as your only using a bitrate of 2400 and 720p @ 60fps requires more. If you have the upload then increase this to between 3000 or 3500 if you want to run 720p 60fps.
I was being sarcastic :-)... 60d 16u, need to post the twitch bandwidth results, looking more towards the quality of the internet link or the ingress server you are streaming to from your location.


New Member
So you want me to run the twitch bandwith tool, set TCP to 64k and test duration to 30 secs and share the results here?


New Member
OK, thank you for your help. I have 1 more question - I found that:
Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 15 (0.0%)

Is it normal or something is wrong with those 15 frames?


Active Member
15:55:25.898: Output 'simple_stream': Total encoded frames: 1625073
15:55:25.898: Output 'simple_stream': Total drawn frames: 1625073
15:55:25.898: Output 'simple_stream': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 15 (0.0%)

Not a problem, really

If you move to veryfast or reduce to 30 fps this will disappear.
Checking the twitch bandwidth tool results none of them are going to give you great performance / lag free streaming, if you have to use one I would pick the germany one which is 80 Q.

Agreed the 15 lags aren't to bad, but if you play a more intensive game then this could be come a problem so best to run it with veryfast cpu preset then you will have some headroom.