Question / Help My Stream is choppy, am I doing something wrong?


New Member
Good evening all. Trying to get into game streaming on twitch but I'm running into some issues while I stream. When I view the stream it appears very choppy and unstable, however it plays fine, a few stutters here and there but no comparison to what it looks like on the live feed. My pc specs are as followed:

I5 6600k 3.5ghz
16GB DDR4 3200
Strix 1080 GPU

I've used and the Twitch Test application. Speedtest gives me 80 down and 7megs of upload speed, the twitch test app says my closest server signal bandwith is 7500kbps with 22ms and 84 quality.

On Obs, I have the Video bitrate at 2500, Output res at 1280x 720 and 30 fps.

With the above info, am I supposed to be having issues with the settings I have, or should I change something?
Thanks in advance.


Active Member
23:43:46.186: Output 'simple_stream': Number of skipped frames due to encoding lag: 8088 (38.9%) --> CPU overloaded
23:43:46.186: Output 'simple_stream': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 8 (0.0%) ---> GPU reaching limits
23:43:46.186: Output 'simple_stream': Number of dropped frames due to insufficient bandwidth/connection stalls: 12 (0.1%) --> minor network problems.

Reduce ingame settings and limit FPS.
Try encoding with GPU NVENC and rise to 3500 Kbps