My phone does not appear in the video capture device list


New Member
1. I connected the phone to the computer with a USB cable
2. I can access the phone's files through the computer
3. I open the OBS software
4. I click on the video capture device

The result:
I do not see my phone.

What am I doing wrong?

I want to transmit the phone to the computer and watch it on OBS, when it is connected by cable.

Many thanks in advance




New Member
your phone is not a webcam! you need a software on you phone !?!?! NDI CAm and so more and little tip buy a Webcam

I want to broadcast the screen of the phone to OBS
You can see in this video that he connects a cable from the phone to the computer and he shows his phone in OBS


Harvey S

A quick read through the YouTube comments: you need an iPhone an apple computer for the USB connection to work you have neither.


Active Member
There is the "Your Smartphone" Windows app and the companion "Link to Windows" Android app. If your Android smartphone is reasonably new, you're able to click on the smartphone image within the Your Smartphone Windows app and get a window with the mirrored smartphone screen, with mouse and keyboard control. You can capture this window with OBS.

The "Your Smartphone" Windows app comes with Windows 10 and is automatically installed/invoked, if you begin to link your phone to Windows. A setup guide is here: