Question / Help My Desktop Audio Issue


New Member
Hello, I have been trying to figure out this problem for a LONG time. I have asked friends for help, searched on youtube, but couldn't find the fix. When I first got OBS, it was for youtube. I had music in my videos and everything was fine... until one day. I went to record a video then I rewatched it to see if it was okay. It wasn't... it said Desktop Audio not connected or available. Ever since then, probably a year ago, it hasn't worked. I've tried reinstalling it, updating it, absolutely nothing works. I gave up on the issue and now I am starting to get back into OBS and I had the idea of looking on the forums. Now here I am. Please help if you can. Thanks for reading. -Fire :)
Not sure what exactly you are asking... Others will likely be able to address this better than me but please clarify what your set up looks like... i.e. what sound source are you getting your music from and how are you attempting to bring it into your stream..

From my experience, you need either SOUNDFLOWER or LOOPBACK ( both available from RogueAmeoba ). Soundflower is free and Loopback is a more robust but Pay product $99 when I purchased my license.. It's WELL WORTH it IMO if you really want full control of your audio needs.