Question / Help Muting Single Browser Source

jessica schrubb

New Member
I'm pretty new to OBS Studio, so im looking for help. when i stream im getting double audio when i get donation alerts. when i try to fix it, it just mutes the alert completely and i dont get the sound at all. if i could get some feedback i would appreciate it a bunch


Active Member
Youi can't mute a browser source through OBS. If you want to use the alerts in more scenes then one, use the Add Existing option when adding a new source.


Forum Moderator
So OBS is recording it from two separate locations, your browser and the browser source? Why do you have it open in two places?


Active Member
@FrankerC As long as CEF does not support audio handling like that, the browser source will not be able to have this feature.

You can make the browser source work just like in the original OBS, where you also couldn't mute individual browser sources.

So how do i stop the double audio? when i stream you hear it from my normal browser and from OBS

As Sapiens said, dont have it open in a normal browser.
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New Member
Hi - just started using OBS today. I was using it to test a browsersource video from youtube streaming over to Periscope Producer. I have the video streaming with video and audio inside OBS browsersource. Then I have the video showing on the preview screen inside Periscope Producer.

So far, the only way I can get audio from the OBS browsersource over to the Periscope Preview and the live Periscope feed is to turn up the built-in microphone on my laptop. But then the microphone picks up my room audio (i.e. keyboard clicks, my sneezes, curse words apparently I unknowingly mutter under my breath, etc.), which gets broadcast over to my Periscope feed.

My current modified work flow is: OBS START STREAM -> PERISCOPE PRODUCER PREVIEW with Google Chrome Tab Audio Muted -> Monitoring live Periscope feed on my iPhone with headphones plugged in, so the iPhone audio doesn't get picked up by my laptop microphone and fed back into the live video feed.

To be clear, there's no other way around this? Thanks, everyone.