

New Member

is it posible to intigrade a multiview feature in OBS to see external sorces like capturecards and Webcams and output this to a 2 or 3 Monitor like the projector at the moment ? Like this



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Forum Moderator
Future versions will have access to this for sources and other scenes and such. If you need something like a 'projector' mode for OBS keep in mind you can right click on the preview pane to enable it.


New Member
Thanks a lot =) i know the Projector mode, do you know how far in future the multiview will be implated ?


New Member
When will the feature be live, i need it maybe for an event.Did you know when it be possible to get?


Community Helper
Probably not for a long time, to be honest. There is a lot of work to be done before then.
OBS is fantastic, you can have theoretically unlimited video buses and have displays dedicated to multiview, program, preview, etc...

thanks OBS developers


New Member
I have found a github which works nice.
The only drawback I have is that the green and red square around the Camera 1-8 boxes only work well with mouse.
When using shortcuts the switching works but the green rectangle around the previewed Camera Box stays at the old one.

How did you got it working?

A minor isue
I have found a github which works nice.
The only drawback I have is that the green and red square around the Camera 1-8 boxes only work well with mouse.
When using shortcuts the switching works but the green rectangle around the previewed Camera Box stays at the old one.

How did you got it working?

A minor isue
It worked for me(See here), might have been a bug in the websocket plugin.
This was mostly meant as a workaround until it a real multiview would get implemented. As dodgepong said it will happen in the next release. And my script will happily be retired.
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Community Helper
Is there a place where next release updates are listed and theorical golive date for the realease?
No, there is not. lebaston100 isn't entirely wrong to suggest that the git changelog is the only real way to know what changes will be in the new release, but even then, release dates aren't typically established until shortly before it actually happens. Major releases happen roughly every 3 months or so, though this release will be a bit longer than normal due to some more extensive backend and support work.