Multiview remember size and position

tech hcnc

New Member
I run on windows 10, and everytime I start OBS up, I'd love to see a couple things happen. First, if I close down with multiview open, that it open up with multiview open, and secondly, it remember the size and position of the multiview window.

I love OBS and you guys are doing an amazing job!


New Member
I want to second what the OP said. I need OBS to give me the option to launch the multiview window when it starts. It would be a bonus to also have the ability to move it to a location and keep it on top, even while OBS is hidden to the system tray. This would allow it to always be in the same place, every time. I have an autohotkey that seems to work to run the keystrokes to make multiview window appear and move to the correct size and location, but when OBS is hidden to the System Tray, it runs as a background process and Auto Hot Key can't seem to retrieve it.
